The Spring Visioning Process
Every season comes with new energy and a new resonance that naturally calls us to open up to more light, more love and more laughter and then to bunker down, cozy up and come inside. Springtime and summer call us to the outdoors while fall and winter naturally ask us to spend more time inside covered up. The seasons are nature's way of guiding us into action whether that action is to take out our bathing suits and get ready for sunshine or pull out our blankets.
Spring is a time for new beginnings. It's a time to pull out any last weeds that might interfere with the growth of our most colorful expression. Spring is a magical time to get rid of the old and open up to new beginnings. Visioning the next evolution of your own life is vital to help nature bring to you that which your heart desires to experience. What is it that will make your blossom this spring? Is it more love, more peace, more abundance, more ease, more passion, more romance, more vitality, more contentment, more creativity, more confidence or more fulfillment?
What is your heart longing for? This is the question that allows us to get honest about what is most important to us right now even if a part of our ego's mind is saying "No I don't want that to be what's most important to me I want some other desire that I think will bring me love and fulfillment to come first." But let me encourage you to dance with your soul. Choose your deepest desires - your heart's desires - rather than the desires of your wounded ego.
What a beautiful post. I read, I listened and I'm going to do. You're right, you know. You are.
Thank you for visiting my blog. Please come by any time. You are so much more than welcome. It's an easy place to be. We don't really worry about a lot of crap! We just try to enjoy one another, bitch a bit and have fun. And if you're interested we have the Wild Onion Cafe. It's a hoot! It's the ultimate place to go to just be who you are. We have an amazing group of friends who adore one another and can say anything. Sometimes it's offensive, but we forgive! It's the perfect place to find your soul and you my dear are always welcome. My friends would love you. Stop my and introduce yourself.
Oh Good Lord!!! I read your entire blog, looked at your links. I'm so screwed! Hey, I'm a link! I planned to link to your blog too even before I knew I was a link!! Honey, you know I'd love to live next door, but real estate in your next of the woods for a second home is insane, unless you have some insider info. I want something cheap and energy efficient!
Oh, and you love organic stuff and dogs. Oh...My...God. Okay, it's official. You're a keeper! I'm going to link. Don't go away. I'll be back!
Great blog. Just love it! Stop by any time sweetie. We also have the Wild Onion Cafe. It's a bit risque, but an absolute hoot. Once you get in the groove, you can't leave!!! Trust me! Why? Because it's just too damn funny. And because you get to dance. ;)
See you soon!
Oh my God...way too many spelling errors. That first paragraph is simply offensive. I left out like 5 words! Ahhhhhhhh, screw it! Honey, just fill in the blanks as you go along. You know what I mean, so just work it in! Yup, you'll fit right in!
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