This is my Auntie Lucia Paradiso. She died 5 years ago. I put myself beside her here because I think we look sooo much alike. But more than family heritage we shared a deep connection. She was my mother's elder sister and she never had a daughter. She always told me I was her daughter in another life and I believed her. I wear lipstick everywhere I go because of her (and you know I live in rural Vermont where no one else wears it and no one sees you anyway!) Sometimes I look in the mirror and I see her instead of myself. She was the most loving, gregarious woman I have ever met. She was warm to everyone she came in contact with and I miss her dearly. She struggled with breast cancer twice, finally having a double mastectomy. She eventually died at the age of 69 from brain cancer. I remember the little rose soaps she had in her bathroom when I was a little girl and I have always wanted little rose soaps since then. (They even smelled of roses). One time we went shopping in an expensive shoe store and Auntie Luci took the shoes out of the box and wore the box around the store on her foot claiming that was all she could afford. Every time she visited from Rhode Island or later Florida, she brought me a trinket from her jewelry box. Those items remain the most precious jewels I own. I don't have a lot of people in my life that mean a lot to me. I keep a small life, tightly controlled handle on who I let in and I am working on being more free. Free like Auntie Luci.
Everyone should have an Aunt Luci. Hard to imagine she has been gone for five years. I'm glad you posted such a lovely tribute to her. She would be so proud of you. I'm glad to be part of that small group in your life. Love, Kathy
I love this post. I have no children. Waited too long. After college, after law school, after we moved, after we got a house, after we got a bigger house, after we moved again...stupid. You know the drill. Aunt Luci lives in all our hearts. My dear niece Alison is my daughter and I'm her Aunt Luci. I like that. I wouldn't change it for the world. I was meant to have kitties and dogs, not kids. But I was born to have Alison. Thank you for reminding me my dear. I write this with tears in my eyes. She will never forget me, nor I her. Life is beautiful.
Thank you.
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