You’ve got to wonder who else there could possibly be to blame, other than yourself, if you buy fish from SuperWalmart and it has gone bad. (That suffices almost entirely for a rant). Wait for it…I am thinking…nope, there’s more. We’ve waited for any kind of department store to be built within an hour from our house for many years now. With the price of gas as high as it is, we were overjoyed to discover a SuperWalmart would be built just 20 minutes from home. How weary we’ve become of driving an hour both ways to get toilet paper. But, we should have our heads examined to even entertain the idea of purchasing groceries there. Perhaps in a large city, SuperWalmart puts forth a lovely grocery section. Perhaps there they have lavishly displayed produce and warm, fresh breads. But in the backwoods of rural New England…naah, not happening. Our dreams of grilled salmon, watercress salad and garlic noodles were shattered. I’ve never seen my husband mad enough to actually call a store and complain, (which by the way, he waited for 10 minutes on hold, and by the way, never actually go to do because all Walmart managers were otherwise busy taking other customers’ complaints--no doubt).
I knew in my heart, while we were peering at the scantily displayed--measly portions of pre-wrapped fish, that we should not, under any circumstances, purchase any. But, my husband read the dates and all seemed well. Thus, the story ends. We had kielbasa. It wasn’t the same.
There is not one Wal Mart in Brooklyn! I guess I'm lucky.
I buy fish all the time in Costco and only had a problem once, and they were very good about giving a full refund.
Try going to the Wal Mart corporate web site and complaining there -- they might be more responsive.
Hugs, Pat
I am thrilled with both of my local Wal*Marts, but I would not even think of purchasing meats there. LOL! I'm sorry about the fish. Heck, I'm sorry about the kielbasa, too.
Calling Walmart to complain?... that is like spitting in the wind.
It was great for a laugh anyway!
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